
This project is maintained by phonedude

Assignment 0-0, CS 431/531, Fall 2018

Due: 2018-09-05

Points available: 5

Part 1 – Join the mailing list

Part 2 – Join GitHub

Part 3 – Create your private class repository

Part 4 – Tell me what your class repository is

  1. Fork my class repository: https://github.com/phonedude/cs531-f18
  2. Add a file in the “users” directory. The name of the file is your ODU CS account name (i.e., your account name on the linux.cs.odu.edu machines), and the file will only contain the URI of your GitHub class repo (e.g., https://github.com/RandomODUAcctName/CS-418-Fall-2018)
  3. Issue a “pull request” to my repo so I can gather all the (acct,repo) pairs